Aging Matters Meals on Wheels Logos

Meals on Wheels

Delivering hot, well-balanced meals to homebound seniors in Brevard

Meals on Wheels allows senior adults to live at home when they are no longer able to cook for themselves.

Trained volunteers visit each weekday around noon, providing Brevard seniors with a hot meal, a friendly visit, and safety check. They can refer participants to additional services and can even initiate an emergency response if necessary.

Meals on Wheels clients with companion animals can sign up for our Pets on Wheels program – delivering cat and dog food on a monthly basis. This partnership with the Brevard Humane Society and other donors ensures our clients have enough food for their pets so they eat the meals meant for them. All food is donated by caring citizens and businesses from our community, therefore we cannot fulfill special orders, but all food is high quality.

This year, thanks to a grant from Meals on Wheels Loves Pets and PetSmart Charities, we are able to offer assistance for preventive veterinary services as well as pet food.

If you are interested in signing up for the Pets on Wheels program complete the application in the link below and mail to Aging Matters in Brevard/Pets on Wheels, 3600 W. King St., Cocoa, Fl. 32926.

If you would like to volunteer to deliver pet food please email Volunteer@AgingMattersBrevard.Org.


Must be 60 years of age or older

Must be unable to prepare nutritious meals or have no one to do so for you

Must be physically or mentally incapacitated and in need of some assistance

Must be able to live safely at home if services are provided to you



Fields marked with an * are required



Copyright © 2025 Aging Matters In Brevard. All rights reserved. · 321-639-8770 · · Privacy Policy

Aging Matters in Brevard is a private, not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation. Funding is made available: under Title III of the Older Americans Act and NSIP through the Senior Resource Alliance, District VII, State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs; United Way of Brevard County; The Brevard County Board of County Commissioners; cities, donations from community organizations, clubs, individuals, bequests, memorials, and recipients' contributions.

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