Boeing Employees Deliver Saturday Meals to Homebound During Global Month of Service
Thank you Boeing Corporation! Boeing employees gathered and delivered meals in North Brevard to the homebound through the Saturday Meals on Wheels program on July 13 (shown here) and again in Central Brevard on July 20.
Boeing’s participation was a part of their Global Month of Service designed to engage their employees to volunteer as One Boeing for the month. The annual observance also serves as a focal point for the many activities that Boeing employees engage in year-round by volunteering as part of company efforts and in their personal lives to build better communities.
“Boeing welcomes the opportunity to partner with the dedicated and passionate staff of Aging Matters in Brevard to help those in our community who need special assistance,” said Mark Jager, Boeing Florida Operations Site Director. “Our annual Global Month of Service serves as a great reminder for all of us on how important it is to give back to the communities where we are fortunate to work and live.”