We invite you to help Aging Matters in Brevard serve seniors in Brevard County by supporting our signature fundraiser, the 9th Annual Passport to Wines Around the World on Saturday, April 16, 2016. The event will be held from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Space Coast Convention Center (Holiday Inn, 520 & I-95), 301 Tucker Lane, Cocoa, FL 32926.
Launched in 2008 by Miller & Hurt Financial Group to benefit the programs of Aging Matters in Brevard, proceeds from the event support the Meals on Wheels Program, Seniors at Lunch, In-home personal care, the Sunflower House, Caregiver Support and Respite Care, Transportation for seniors and veterans, and volunteer recruitment; all services that help seniors remain living in their own homes and avoiding long-term care placement.
The evening promises to be filled with tempting hors d’oeuvres, distinctive wines, enjoyable entertainment, balloon pops, a live auction, and much more! The event will feature a live auction with auctioneer Sheriff Wayne Ivey, culinary creations by The Kitchen, special guest chefs and wine curated by Florida Wine and Spirits. Your support will help our Brevard aging community for years to come.
If you would like to be a sponsor for the event, you can download a sponsor brochure or pay online below.
Copyright © 2025 Aging Matters In Brevard. All rights reserved. · 321-639-8770 · info@agingmattersbrevard.org · Privacy Policy
Aging Matters in Brevard is a private, not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation. Funding is made available: under Title III of the Older Americans Act and NSIP through the Senior Resource Alliance, District VII, State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs; United Way of Brevard County; The Brevard County Board of County Commissioners; cities, donations from community organizations, clubs, individuals, bequests, memorials, and recipients' contributions.